Weight calculation of PPGI sheets is crucial for transportation and your projects. So how to calculate the weight of PPGI sheet?
The formula for weight calculation is: Thickness (mm) * Width (m) * Length (m) * Density = Weight (kg/pcs)
Obviously, to calculate the weight of a steel sheet, you need to know the density, length, width, and thickness. The base metal of PPGI is carbon steel, whose density is about 7.85 tons/cubic meters. For example, if the PPGI sheet is 0.5 mm in thickness, 0.9 m in width, and 2.4 m in length, the weight per piece will be 0.5*0.9*2.4*7.85=8.478 kg. If you order 3,000 pieces, the total weight is about 25.4 tons. And a ton is about 117 pieces. But please note that the width here refers to the overall width (actual width) rather than the effective cover width. Below is a picture for your reference.
Width of PPGI Sheet
Taking the sizes in the picture for example, the width for weight calculation should be 1,170 mm (1.17 m). If the length is 1.6 m and the thickness is 0.61 mm, the weight of the PPGI sheet will be 0.61*1.17*1.6*7.85=8.964 kg. This formula is also suitable for roughly calculating the weight of galvanized sheets, PPGL sheets, and galvalume sheets. So you may know how to calculate the weight of PPGI sheet by yourself. If you want to know more details, please contact us!
1. Confirm the materials, for example, galvanized, galvalume, PPGI or PPGL, etc.
2. Make clear the specifications, including thickness, width, length. If you have no idea, please inform us of your use purpose and use environment. We will offer a recommendation.
3. Confirm other details, like zinc coating thickness, painting, painting thickness, etc. If you want color coated steel, you need also to provide colors according to RAL Color or send us a sample.
4. Send us pictures of the corrugated steel sheet profiles.
5. How many tons or pieces do you need? The quantity will influence the price directly.
6. Where is your destination port?
7. Your other requirements, for example, back paint, use purpose, etc.
All these details will help us to offer you the best price proposal soon. Then please fill in the contact form below carefully or call us directly. Of course, if you have any other questions, contact us without hesitation. We will get back to you in 12 hours.