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Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China

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1,500 tons NM400 & NM450 steel plates to Chile

NM 400

NM 450

Export of NM400 & NM450 steel plates to Chile

Recently, Wanzhi cooperated with a Chilean customer, who ordered a large quantity of steel plates from us. Let’s take a look at the details of this collaboration next.

As the first order, it was shipped three times. In this case, WZ showed its steel plate production lines and warehouses to customers, while ensuring that all delivery conditions for the Hardox plates provided were quenched and tempered, which is the best delivery type according to the GBT 24186 standard. Through this case, it demonstrates Wanzhi’s strength in the field of metal materials. Moreover, it reflects WZ’s emphasis on product quality and delivery conditions.

production process

Customer background

This is a very enthusiastic Chile customer. He revealed that he had a highway viaduct project that required a large amount of N400 steel plates. At first, the samples were wanted. After we sent the samples for free, the customer immediately decided to purchase 1000 tons of NM400 & 500 tons of NM450 steel plates.

This client said the performance was better than that in Europe. The brand is much better. There are no cracks after bending, the tensile strength is high, and so is the beautiful surface as well as good flatness.

After that, this Chile customer tried more and more orders from our company. He said it was a pleasure to cooperate with us. And we won a high degree of trust from our customers.

Customer’s picture


Customer Bending Use

Highway projects

Wanzhi Head Office & Teams

Wanzhi group photo

flag raising ceremony

Workshop group photo

Group photo

Our Warehouse and Workshop


galvanized steel coil

GL strip

Steel Strip Cutting Machine

Inspection before shipment by WZ QC department


Width measurement

Width Detection of steel plates

Length Detection of NM450 steel plates

Mark on NM400 & NM450 steel plates 


Marking on NM400 & NM450 steel plates

NM 400

NM 450




Package and Delivery Pictures

Ready to load

waiting to be loaded

Get ready to leave

Ready to ship

Preparing for transportation

Customer receives the NM400 & NM450 steel plates

Steel plates on ships

cilent Receiving

Customer pickup

picking up

Steel plate supplied by Wanzhi

Below is our steel strip production line:


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